Our Approach
Is Simple:
Create better environments that lead to better human experiences.
Rooted in product-market fit, our approach is constantly testing against feasibility in the market through design trends, buyer expectations, market conditions, consumer perspective, and competitive landscape. We bring a mix of data and creativity to the design and engineering process to fuel everyone on the project to deliver the best-positioned product.
Founded by a sales & completion specialist, a development consultant and project manager, Project Authority has forged relationships that allow us to lean on our in-house team of specialists and our vendor network to get the job done, or offered qualified introductions.
Project Sizes
The smallest project was literally the smallest a multifamily project could be; two units. We have also worked on master-planned communities where the project completion is over a decade into the future. We’re typically tasked with projects with a minimum of 50 units. Our value to systematically add value with the unit mix, optimizing square footage and revenue is 100+ units.
What We Know
Where We Have Worked
Our team is based in Vancouver, Canada, and has the pleasure of working with projects throughout British Columbia over the past 15 years. We have since started to work on projects in the USA, Ontario, and the Maritime Provinces in a variety of roles related to design consulting, feasibility studies, development concepts, project management, marketing services, sales strategy, and go-to-market campaigns.
16 Cities
56 Projects
5 Million+ Square Footage Complete
Structure of Client Organization
Our Process to Ensure Better Projects
Each project receives a mix of high-tech and high-touch to get the job done. We’ve created customizable processes around each phase to match the needs of your project to stay on task. Getting things completed on time, on budget, and having the right market fit are the KPIs that we hold our own team accountable to.